Lodge Inveraray was delighted to present P.M.J Mirrlees with a certificate to mark his 50 years as an affiliated member of our Lodge. He was also a P.M. of Inveraray 1971-73. His mother lodge is Lodge Kyles of Bute No. 1120 where he has already received his diamond certificate from Grand Lodge for 60 years in the craft.

RWM Bro. James Scott and PM Bro. Kenny Stewart of Lodge Oban Commercial Lodge 

No. 180 and some images of his excellent talk on the battlefields of WW1 at our 

regular meeting on Friday 14th September

RWM Bro. J Scott presenting a Jubilee certificate to Bro. R McDiarmid PM and 

a Diamond certificate to Bro C MacLaren PM 

Some presentation gifts from various Lodges in Ayrshire. Two scrolls with Robert Burns poems.

Shield won by Inveraray St John No. 50 at the recent Provincial Grand Lodge Shoot. 

The team being Bro. I Campbell PM, Bro. D Crawford PM and Bro. R Scott.

Bro. I Campbell also won the High gun competition

Photos are on the Provincial Grand Lodge Website 

200th Anniversary Photos (1947)

Thank you to Bro. Brian Scott for submitting these fantastic photos of the Masonic Parade which 

marked the 200th Anniversary of Lodge Inveraray in 1947. Brethren marched from Inveraray Castle to the Lodge accompanied by pipers, and the same tradition was repeated for our 250th Anniversary in 1997. Additional photos show the Brethren congregating on the Front Green, and paying their respects to those who had fallen in both world wars at the war memorial. The individual images that make up this collage can be viewed in our Photo Gallery section. 

200th Anniversary Order Of Service (1947)

Lodge Inveraray Donates Funds To Strachur Pipers

The brethren of Lodge Inveraray St. John No. 50 held a raffle at their annual Installation in January in memory of the late Angus Paterson of Strachur, which raised the sum of £300. Angus was a well-loved member of the Lodge and the driving force behind the monthly raffles raising funds for local and national charities and good causes over many years.

It was decided that his widow, Margaret, should be asked to nominate a local good cause to donate the proceeds of this raffle to and she chose the Strachur Piping Association where Angus had also been a member and a past president. On Friday 24th March 2017 several of the brethren of the Inveraray Lodge travelled to Strachur to present the cheque to the Piping Association and a bouquet of flowers to Mrs Paterson.

Bro. James Brown - Jubilee Certificate (50 years)

R.W.M. James Scott was delighted to present Bro. James Brown with a certificate 

to mark his 50 years as a member of Lodge No. 50. Congratulations James

and thank you for your outstanding contribution to the work of the lodge over 

half a century. 

200th Anniversary Celebration Programme (1947)

Clicking on the image below will allow you to download a full size PDF copy of our 200th Anniversary Celebration Programme


250th Anniversary Celebration Programme (1997)

Clicking on the image below will allow you to download a full size PDF copy of our 250th Anniversary Celebration Programme
